Wednesday, September 23, 2015

PART 2!?!!

Part 2 is here and it's a doozy. I mean, it is rated R for Real Bromance. Enjoy, plebs.

1 comment:

  1. I opend my eyes this morning, pressed play, and curled up to listen to the voices I hold dear. My roommates must of thought something was up as I went from sleeping to giggling. Wow Micheal, framing poor Andrew! Haha, well it made for a good story later. Vienna sausage and PB and J sandwiches.....hahahaha! I guess packing for camp was harder then we thot. Stray cats or not, we're bonded by food and more. Talking about cats! Good grief, Isaac! Lighting a cat with newspaper, not really the ideal firecracker. Thanks for brightening my rainy Saturday morning. Miss you!
    Your always, the bumble.e
